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Clobeta GM Cream: Uses, Benefits, Side effects - Dr. Pooja

clobeta gm cream uses in the treatment of problems like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis etc. You should use this cream only if the doctor has prescribed this cream under a prescription. You should not use this cream unless the doctor prescribes it. Apart from this, let us tell you that its dosage depends on the basis of age and gender. If you have more problems then it can be said about applying the cream 3 times a day. Apart from this, if any kind of side effect occurs with the use of the cream, then you should consult your doctor at once. And you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. That would be right for you.

 clobeta gm cream uses


• Lichen Planus

• Fish skin disease

• wart

• bedsores

• Inflammation in the vagina

• Candidiasis


             athlete's foot

• Sehua

• Fungal infection in the mouth

• Yeast Infection in the Vagina

• Jock Itch

• Vulvitis

• Penis Infection

• Russian


• E. coli infection


• Psoriasis

• Eczema

• Dermatitis

• Fungal Infection

• Skin Infection

• Ear Infection

             eye infection

• hay fever

Clobeta GM Cream: Uses, Benefits, Side effects - Dr. Pooja

 clobeta gm cream uses in psoriasis

 Psoriasis is a type of skin disorder in which the skin becomes red flaky inside. And it is not a contagious, it is just a one-time disease. You should know about this. And you can understand this. It becomes And usually it takes 28 days for new cells to be formed inside our body, but within a short time new cells are formed inside people suffering from this disease, you should know about this and you should know this thing very well. can understand from


If you talk about the symptoms of (bark disease), then many symptoms of this disease appear, inside which your skin becomes itchy, apart from this swelling comes inside the skin and pain is also felt. Small scaly patches on the skin, dry, cracked skin that may bleed. Apart from this, there can also be pain and swelling inside the joints, you should be well aware of this and you can understand.

Talking about the causes of psoriasis, there are many reasons for this, due to which this disease occurs, although this disease does not occur in all people, but this disease is seen in only a few people. You should know about this.

• Genetics is the biggest reason for this, if the parents have this disease, then there is a 60 percent chance of having it in the child born to them. You should know about this. And you can understand about it.

• You should be aware that this disease can also be caused by an abnormal reaction of the immune system. By the way, the immune system of our body is known to attack the harmful bacteria present inside the body. But inside this disease, the immune system attacks the cells of the body itself. You should know about this.

• You should know about this disease can be caused by bacterial infection. If there is an injury to the skin due to any reason, then it can cause this disease, you should know about it. Therefore, it is very important to take proper care of the injury.

• If you consume more of honey, garlic, radish, oily food, seafood, sour or spicy food, junk food etc. then you have chances of getting psoriasis. If you want to avoid this disease then you should consume a good diet. This can be beneficial for you. You should know about this. And you can understand.

If we talk about the prevention of psoriasis (bark disease), then the exact information about this disease has not been known yet. You should know about this. Inside psoriasis (psoriasis) new cells start coming without destroying the old cells. And because of this the skin becomes very thick. And this is a problem.

Inside psoriasis, you have to take care about the food and drink you should know about it. Green leafy vegetables, legumes, lentils, fruits, fish etc. should be consumed. And you have to avoid consuming too much salt. Apart from this, rust food should not be consumed at all.

Apart from this, do not consume sour things. And do not consume milk and curd. Alcohol and other types of smoking should not be done. All these can aggravate the disease further.

It is also important to take care of the skin in psoriasis disease. If there is any kind of scratch or cut on the skin, then it becomes the path of entry of bacteria and therefore it is very important to treat any such cut on the skin properly. Otherwise the chances of getting this disease increase very much.

Psoriasis can also be caused by stress. If you also live under stress, then try to remove your stress. And if you can't do it on your own, you should seek the help of your doctor. You can also take other medicines that help you. You should know about it.

clobeta gm cream uses in dermatitis

In dermatitis, there is irritation and inflammation on the skin. This is what is known as dermatitis, it should be known and you can understand. And the skin becomes rashes and swelling comes. In dermatitis, the area of the affected skin becomes blisters, fluid discharge from the skin, the skin becomes like a scab. By the way, this problem gets fixed by itself. But for some people this problem is not easily fixed. And it can go on for a long time. The problem of dermatitis is most commonly seen in children. However, if you have this problem and it is not getting better on its own, then you should consult your doctor. This will be right for you, you can understand.

By the way, there are many types of medicines and creams to overcome this disease, with the help of which it can be cured very easily. When you go to the doctor, the doctor can prescribe you this cream and medicines.

There are many types of dermatitis, let us try to know about it too. Although all these are within the medical language. And sometimes they are divided to confuse the general public.

• Atopic dermatitis is an itchy rash with redness on the skin. Inside it, it starts appearing around the elbows, neck etc. And if you scratch them, then they also start leaking. You should know about this.

• Contact dermatitis is a type of condition that can happen when your skin comes into contact with things that work to aggravate the condition of contact dermatitis.

• The affected area inside the follicular eczema becomes thicker and looks like a hair follicle inside the hair. And it happens mostly inside American people.

Talking about the symptoms of dermatitis, there are many symptoms, so let us know in detail about the symptoms of dermatitis. While these symptoms can be very severe in some people, it can be very mild in some people. However, there is no information about how serious it will be.

• Rashes

• Blisters

• Dryness or cracking of the skin

• itching

• prickling and burning

• Redness on the skin

• Inflammation of the skin

If any of the above symptoms are seen inside, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible and you should follow the instructions given by your doctor. That would be right for you and you can understand.

• The problem of dermatitis can also be caused by coming in contact with any kind of soap. Any type of soap that does not suit you. You should avoid coming in contact with this type of soap which does not suit you.

• The problem of dermatitis can also be caused by wearing jewelery many times. Itching may occur if the jewelery touches the skin. And this itching can lead to the problem of dermatitis, so inside such a situation the jewelery should be removed for some time.

• Even if you live under stress, you can still have the problem of dermatitis. You should know about this. If you are also under stress then you should try to calm your mind so that everything will be fine.

• This disease can also occur due to a problem related to the immune system. If you have any problem with the immune system, then the chances of getting this disease increase significantly.

• If you have had a skin infection, then you should get it treated as soon as possible. Because sometimes this disease can also be due to skin infection, you should know about it.

• Apart from this, there may be an allergy due to applying St. or any other things. If you are allergic to something, then the skin can become itchy and due to this there may be a problem of dermatitis. We have already explained to you about the causes of dermatitis, so you have understood very well about what causes dermatitis. There are many reasons behind this, you should know about it.

If we talk about the prevention of dermatitis, then you can take many measures for this, with the help of which dermatitis can be avoided. So let's know in detail about the prevention of dermatitis. Especially you have to pay special attention to your skin. You should not wear such clothes which are too tight.

• If you want to avoid dermatitis, then you should not take a long bath. Bathing for a long time can increase the problem of dermatitis. You stay inside this bathroom for 5 to 10 minutes only. With this you can avoid dermatitis.

• Apart from this, whatever soap you use, it should be of good quality and natural soap. Do not use soap containing chemicals in any way. Soaps containing chemicals can greatly increase the problem of dermatitis. You should know about this.

• Apart from this, tell you that the skin should not be allowed to remain moist. Because if there is moisture inside the skin, then the chances of getting dermatitis are more, you should know about it. And you can understand this. To prevent dermatitis, the skin should be wiped from time to time. Especially after taking a bath. And wearing wet clothes can also make your skin moist. That's why you should not even use wet clothes. Otherwise the chances of getting this disease are high.

clobeta gm cream uses in inside bacterial infections

Friends, this medicine is used inside the condition of bacterial infection. You should know about it. There are more bacteria than cells in the human body. And most of the bacteria are not harmful inside the case but what happens sometimes you should be aware that they cause harmful effects. Bacterial infections can affect throat, lungs, skin, bowel etc. However, it is treated with the help of antibiotics. You should know about this.

It is important to stay clean to avoid bacterial infection. If you do not keep cleanliness, then it can infect another person as well, you should know about it.

• There are many different types of bacterial infections: Inside the skin Bacterial infection usually attacks and damages your skin. You should be well aware of this. Infections like cellulitis, folliculitis and impetigo are of this type.

• Problems such as nausea and vomiting, fever, chills and abdominal pain can be caused by bacterial infections associated with food. That is why it is very important to keep the things you eat and drink right. Otherwise bacterial infection may occur. You should know about this.

• Having sex can also cause bacterial infection. You should know about this. Therefore, it would be better if you try to have a safe sex relationship, only then it can be beneficial.

Talking about the symptoms of bacterial infection, there are many symptoms and with the help of these symptoms you can identify that a bacterial infection has happened, so let's know about these symptoms in detail and you can understand.

• Bacterial infection can cause fever and shivering. Apart from this, it can also be cold. If you have a fever, it can also mean that it is a type of bacterial infection.

• Swelling of lymph nodes can also be due to bacterial infection. If you have swelling inside your lymph nodes, then you should see your doctor once you can understand this.

• Bacterial can cause sore throat and there can be a lot of problem inside the food and drink. Apart from this, pain may also have to be faced inside the throat. You should know about this.

• Bacterial infection can lead to pneumonia, with symptoms such as a dry cough and shortness of breath.

• In addition, bacteria can cause urinary tract infection. Frequent urination, urgency to urinate, and painful urination.

If you want to avoid bacterial infection, then you can take some measures with the help of which you can avoid bacterial infection, then let us know in detail about some measures.

• You should wash your hands frequently to avoid bacterial infection. If you wash your hands frequently, then you can avoid bacterial infection from it. Therefore, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap from time to time.

• Use antibacterial and sanitizer. You should know about this is a good way to wash hands. Washing hands properly is essential.

• It is also very important to clean the items inside your house and inside the office properly, otherwise the chances of getting bacterial infection increase significantly.

• You should keep distance from the person who is already infected. However, you should leave no stone unturned in serving that person. But caution should be exercised.

• Learn about the bacteria living inside the intestines and if you have a problem, it is very important to see your doctor as soon as you can understand this.

• It is very important to keep the water you drink clean and clean. Otherwise, there can be a lot of problem for you and bacterial infection can be very high, you should know about it.

• If you are cooking food, then you should first of all it is important to wash your hands thoroughly. Because otherwise you should know about bacterial infection can spread.

• Apart from this, if you find something very bad, then you should not consume that thing. Because bad things can cause bacterial infection, you should know about it. Bad things should be thrown away.

• If you have any kind of pain inside your throat, then you need to see your doctor once, you can understand this and this will be right for you.

Clobeta GM Cream Uses, Benefits

Talking about testing for bacterial infection, if you have had any kind of infection and you go to the doctor, then your doctor may ask you for a variety of tests so that the infection can be found out.

If you have any kind of symptoms due to bacteria like sore throat, fever etc., then the doctor takes a decision based on these symptoms and gives you medicine.

Apart from this, your doctor may take blood and urine samples and then send them inside the lab for examination so that the infection is properly detected.

Once the doctor comes to know about the bacterial infection, then further action is taken to remove it. You should know about this.

clobeta gm cream uses in eczema

This cream is also used inside eczema. You should have known about this. Eczema is a type of skin disease that causes swelling, itching, cracks and roughness inside it. You should know about this. This disease can be caused by smoke, pollen, soap and scented products etc. Talking about the type of eczema, there are different types. And it is treated on the basis of their type, you should know about it. And you can understand this very well, this will be right for you and you can understand this.

• Atopic dermatitis It usually starts in childhood and goes away on its own over time in most cases. It doesn't happen in everyone.

• Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis This can be developed by touching any kind of things you should be aware of.

• Stasis dermatitis: Fluid starts flowing from the weak veins of your skin inside it. Which can cause itching and burning. One should be aware of this.

• Nummular eczema If this type of disease occurs, then it is very itchy inside and you become very upset while itching, you should know about it.

• Eczema on the hand It occurs in the hands. And most of those people face them, then they do cleaning work because they come in contact with many types of chemicals.

Talking about the symptoms of eczema, there are many symptoms with the help of which you can identify it. Its main symptoms are itchy, dry, rough and flaky skin. Eczema can develop anywhere inside the body, including around the arms and neck.

• Severe itching

• Reddish or grayish-gray patches

• There may also be dry yellow discharge.

• You should be aware that there may be more thick and scab-like skin.

If we talk about its treatment, then antibiotics are used for this. If anyone sees the above-mentioned symptoms, then you should see your doctor as soon as possible so that the problem does not increase further.

Talking about the cause of eczema, there can be many reasons for it. But it is believed that when our body comes in contact with something, the immune system gives an aggressive response. Which makes the problem a lot bigger.

to sweat

• Changes in temperature

• Sudden drop in humidity


• Food Allergies

• animal hair

Eczema can be triggered on its own due to etc. If you come to know about that thing then you have to distance yourself from it. Then something will be right for you. Otherwise, there will be a lot of problems for you. You should know about this.

Talking about the remedies to prevent eczema, there are many measures you can take for this, so that you can avoid it. And this will be right for you, you should know about it. And you can understand.

Talking about the prevention of eczema, you can take many measures for this, you have to make changes inside your lifestyle, only then something can be beneficial.

• You have to reduce stress. Due to high stress, the chances of getting eczema increase significantly. You should know about this.

• Apart from this, you have to avoid using harsh soaps and detergents, this will be right for you, you can understand this very well.

• Skin becomes dry even in cold weather and can trigger flare-ups. For this, you have to protect the skin from getting dry in cold weather. You can understand this.

• You have to avoid itching and scratching when you have eczema. Otherwise, the problem may increase further, you should know about it.

• Talking about the test of eczema, many types of tests may have to be done for this. Because the symptoms of eczema keep on changing, you should know about it.

• Patch testing is a test related to skin allergy, you should know about it.

• Apart from this, your food and drink are seen, some food items are removed and added again so that the problem of allergy is not happening.

If someone has a problem with eczema, then you should take care of it properly. If you take proper care of it then it can cure your problem.

• Apart from this, use soap properly and good soap should be used. So that the skin does not become dry.

• You should also use moisturizer cream, lotion or ointment. So that the probability of this is greatly reduced.

• Apart from this, if you have to avoid the problem of eczema, then you should take more bath with cold water.

• Apart from this, it is very important to retain the moisture inside your skin. You should know about this.

The doctor will suggest you creams and ointments, which will cure eczema by reducing inflammation and immune system response. There are creams like pimecrolimus that work to reduce inflammation.

clobeta gm cream uses

Fungal infection can happen to anyone. Fungal infection in the feet of the player, it can lead to fungal infection inside the mouth of the child. You should know about this. It happens on the body. Many types of fungus grow on the body and when these get out of control, fungal infections can occur. Fungal infections can be contagious. If another healthy person comes in contact with a sick person suffering from this, then he can get fungus. However, people who have weak immunity, it is not able to affect them, you should know about it.

If we talk about the type of fungal infection, then it is of many types. So let us know in detail about the types of fungal infection.

• Athlete's foot can cause fungal infection of the foot. You should be aware that it can usually spread inside bad socks and shoes or swimming pools.

• Candida infection is usually found inside the mouth and bowel and vulva you should know about it. And you can understand this. If you have had Candida infection then you should consult your doctor for this. And you should follow the instructions given by your doctor.

• Ringworm is also a type of fungal infection. You should be well aware of this and you can understand. Ringworm can develop on the skin of the head, legs and between the thighs and genitals. You should know about this.

• There may be a fungal infection in the nail. This can cause the nail to become very weak and thick. It can usually affect the nails quite a lot.

• If we talk about the symptoms of fungal infection, then there can be many symptoms, with the help of which you can identify fungal infection. So let us know in detail about the types of fungal infection.

• If a fungal infection occurs, it causes rashes, redness, scabs or cracks on the skin. Can detect fungal infection. You should know about this.

• Red spots are formed on the skin.

• The skin turns red and purple. You should know about this.

• Skin flaking and peeling

• cracks in the skin

• Pain in the affected area of skin

Clobeta GM Cream Uses, Benefits

 Who is more prone to fungal infections?

Friends, not everyone has fungal infection. By the way, let us tell you that fungal infection does not happen inside everyone. Because the fungus that happens, they live near us. In such a situation, people with weak immunity are more likely to get fungal infection. If your immunity is very weak then you are at increased risk of fungal infection. You should consider increasing your immunity. You can understand this very well. That would be right for you.

clobeta gm cream uses in prevention of fungal infection

The best way to avoid fungal infections is to consider boosting your immunity. If you are thinking of increasing immunity, then this can be a good way to avoid it.

To prevent fungal infection, you should take care of cleanliness. If you take proper care of cleanliness, then you can avoid this infection, you should know about it.

• Keeping the feet clean is very important. And shoes should not be worn too tight. You should understand this thing only after wearing it clean and neat.

• Apart from this, anti fungal powder comes to prevent fungal infection in the feet, spray it, it reduces the risk of fungal infection, you should know about it. You can understand this.

• Apart from this, you should avoid wearing others' shoes and slippers. Because it can avoid fungal infection.

• It is important to clean the place where you walk barefoot, so that the risk of fungal infection is greatly reduced, you should know about it.

• Apart from this, you should wash your face regularly. And the skin should be kept dry you can understand this.

• Avoid going barefoot in bathrooms, gyms, carpets and public bathing areas. This can prevent fungal infection. You should know about this.

• Apart from this, underwear should be worn only after cleaning it properly. Wearing wet clothes should be avoided.

clobeta gm cream uses in bacterial infections

One of the most common is bacterial infection. You should know about this. Let us tell you that there are more bacteria than cells inside the human body, you should know about it. Well, good bacteria are not harmful to us. But sometimes bad bacteria are harmful to you. You should know about it. Bacterial infections live in the throat, lungs, skin, bowel. Sometimes it is a form of mild infection. and is easily fixed. You should know about this. And if many times the infection is more, then medicines are needed.

Bacterial infection can be quite contagious. You should know about this. It can also spread through coughing and sneezing. You can understand this.

Talking about the type of bacterial infection, it is of many types. You should know about this. So depending on its type, it is treated in different ways.

• Skin bacterial infections The bacteria that are inside can damage your skin and you may need antibiotics to overcome this problem. Infections called cellulitis, folliculitis and impetigo come under this.

• Bacterial infection can also occur due to poor hygiene of food or due to contaminated food. You should be aware of this. Symptoms like diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever, chills and abdominal pain may appear. If you see such symptoms then you should consult your doctor.

• Apart from this, let us tell you that having sex can also cause bacterial infection. Therefore sex should be protected. For this it is also necessary to use the right tools.

If we talk about the symptoms of bacterial infection, then there can be many symptoms, with the help of which you can know whether this infection has happened or has not happened? So let's know about its symptoms in detail.

• Bacterial infection can cause fever, you can feel chills and you may have a ringing tooth. You should know about this.

• If there is swelling inside your lymph node, it means that you have got a bacterial infection and you should consult your doctor.

• A symptom of a bacterial infection is that your throat may become sore. There may also be pain inside the throat and there may be a lot of difficulty in swallowing.

• Bacterial infection can lead to pneumonia, with symptoms such as a dry cough and shortness of breath.

• Apart from this, let us tell you that due to bacterial infection, stomach problems can also occur, such as cough, vomiting and stomach pain increase the chances of it.

• Apart from this, there may be urine infection, inside which there may be pain while passing urine, there may also be problems with frequent urination.

Let us talk about the measures to prevent bacterial infection. There are some measures with the help of which you can easily avoid bacterial infection, you should know about it. So let's know about those measures in detail.

• You should wash your hands frequently. Especially if you are going to eat something, you can wash and sanitize your hands thoroughly with soap, which reduces the risk of bacterial infection significantly. Although most of us do not pay attention to it, you should be well aware of it.

• Everything you use inside your home and office needs to be kept clean and tidy from time to time. bacteria can grow on them

• If children play inside the soil, then they should be stopped for this. And play toys should also be kept clean.

• If a person is feeling sick to you, then you should keep a distance from that person. However, this does not mean that you should stop serving him. You can serve him but you must be very careful. You can understand this.

• If you are preparing food, before that clean your hands thoroughly. For this you can use hand sanitizer, which will reduce the problems significantly. It will be right for you.

• If you consume meat, fish etc., then you should first wash them thoroughly and raw meat should not be consumed at all. Consume it only after cooking it properly, otherwise damage can occur.

• Apart from this, you should stop consuming any such thing. That's why it smells bad. Bacterial infection can also be caused by consuming spoiled cheese. You should know about this.

• If you have pain inside the throat, then you should not sit in peace about it and consult your doctor as soon as possible. That would be right for you.

• Apart from this, dirty things should not be put inside the ear. Often people try to get the ear cleaned by everyone, this can also lead to bacterial infection. Apart from this, you should not put the dirty finger of your hands inside the ear. Otherwise it can also lead to infection in your ear. You should know about this.

clobeta gm cream uses in wart

A wart is a growth or bulge in the skin, it is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It can occur inside any part of the body. You should know about it. What type of wart can it be? You should be aware of this. It can be around the finger and it can also happen above the neck. You should know about it. In fact, many times the wart gets cured on its own. But it can take up to 5 years without medicine to get cured. Apart from this, if you take medicine for the wart, then it gets cured.

If we talk about the type of wart, then they are of different types, so let us know in detail about the type of wart.

• Common wart (Verruca vulgaris) is a common wart that can be quite hard. And it looks just like a flower. You should know about this.

• Apart from this, there may also be warts on the soles of the feet. This wart is very hard. The skin on the soles of the feet is white, but between them this wart is like a dot.

• Similarly there is a filiform wart. Its size is quite slender but it can grow to a very high height.

• Apart from this, warts can also come out around the genitals of women and men. Which can turn into a severe form if it is not treated later. You should know about it and you can understand it very well.

If we talk about the symptoms of wart, then there are many symptoms of wart, with the help of which you can easily know that the wart has happened, so let's know about the symptoms of warts.

• There may be warts on the fingers, toes and behind the knees. It appears as a black dot. It is a group of dead cells.

• Plantar warts usually occur on the bottom of the feet. Although this wart can also occur on the inside of the palm. If you have this type of wart on the palm, then you may need to get treatment from your doctor. You should know about this.

• Most of the warts have a dry coating and some dark small spots in them

• Apart from this, blood can also come out inside some warts at any time. Such warts are also known as traumatized.

Talking about the cause of warts, common warts are caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). It is of many types. You should be aware that most HPVs can cause warts inside different body parts. And you can understand this.

If a person has a wart and that person touches that wart with the help of his fingers and then touches another part of his body with the same finger, then a wart can form inside the other part as well. You should know about this. Apart from this, if you touch the person who has a wart and the towel etc. of that person, then it can cause wart to the person touching that person. Therefore, if someone has a severe wart problem, then he should keep his clothes and towels separate. You can understand this very well.

Apart from this, if you touch someone's wart and after that you bite the nail with your mouth, then you can also get a wart. It can get inside the nail so that you can get a wart there.

By the way, the immune system of every person reacts differently in relation to the wart. In such a situation, it is not necessary for everyone to have a wart, you can understand this very well.

We are going to tell you about the measures to prevent warts. If you want to avoid warts, then you can take some measures for this. So that you can avoid warts. So let's know about some remedies.

• Keep washing your hands properly. Especially when you come in contact with a person who already has warts, then you should clean your hands properly.

• Apart from this, if the wart has happened, do not try to remove it yourself. Otherwise it can take a more terrible form. You should know about this.

• The wart should be covered with a bandage. So that the chance of spreading the infection to other people will be greatly reduced. You should know about this.

• Apart from this, it is very important to keep your hands and feet dry. You should know about this. Otherwise, the chances of getting an infection can be very high.

• The person who has the problem of wart, then you should keep distance from him, you can understand this.

If we talk about examining the wart, then for this you have to go to the doctor and the doctor will examine your wart. There is a wart. After that a piece of wart is removed. And after that it is sent inside the lab for testing. You should know about it.

Friends, if we talk about the treatment of wart, then it can be treated by a doctor. Although most warts do not require any treatment, they get better on their own.

 clobeta gm cream uses in bedsores (pressure ulcers)

Bedsore ulcers are also known as pressure ulcers. Due to the pressure on the skin, tissue damage occurs. You should be aware of this. And it can mostly happen inside the heel, ankle, presser etc. People who are unable to walk much may be more likely to develop pressure ulcers. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.

 These bedsore ulcers heal on their own, but if you have to go to the doctor, then you can go to the doctor and cure them with medicines, you should know about it and you can understand.

Talking about the symptoms of bedsore (pressure ulcer), there are many symptoms, with the help of which you can identify it very easily. So let's know about their symptoms in detail.



feel pain

Tissue damage can cause dry skin and rash, and deep damage to muscles and bones. And if you see this type of ulcer, you'll need to change your position. If you do not get relief even after 24 hours, then after that see your doctor. After showing you, the doctor can prescribe some medicines so that you will get a lot of relief.

If we talk about the causes of bedsores (pressure ulcers), there can be many reasons for this. Bedsore ulcers can occur when there is excessive pressure on the skin. Less movement can also cause this ulcer. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.

• If there is more pressure on any part of the body, then after that the blood flow is not able to flow properly, due to which oxygen and nutrients do not reach the tissues, due to which the risk of their destruction is very high. increases. You should know about this.

• Can occur on the spine, scapula, hips, heels and elbows. And this problem mostly comes in people who do limited activity. They may have this problem. So don't limit your activity.

• Apart from this, if your skin is rubbing against something and is getting weak due to it, then there may be chances of getting bedsores. And there could be a wound. You should know about this.

• People who have a lot of trouble in walking and they change their posture very rarely, the chances of getting this bedsore are very high, you should be well aware of this and you can understand this. That would be right for you.

• If you have trouble walking. As if you are sick, the chances of getting bedsores are very high in such a situation, you should be well aware of this and you can understand that this will be right for you.

• Apart from this, if your senses are not working completely due to some reason, then you have any kind of disorder, then the risk of getting bedsore ulcer increases greatly, you should be well aware of this and you understand can.

• We need proper nutrition to prevent damage to healthy skin and tissues. If you are not able to take proper nutrition, then your risk of getting bedsore ulcers increases significantly.

• Blood flow is very badly affected inside sugar disease and heart diseases etc., due to which the chances of getting bedsore ulcer increase very much, you should be well aware of this and you can understand.

We also discuss ways to prevent bedsores (pressure ulcers). If you want to avoid bedsore ulcer, then you can take some measures for this so that you can easily avoid it, then let us know in detail about the measures to avoid it.

To prevent bedsore ulcers, keep changing your position and you will have to avoid putting pressure on the skin. Otherwise the problem may escalate. More quantity of water should be consumed. Apart from this, eating good food would have been very important, you can understand this.

• You have to shift your weight, if you cannot stand then you will have to change your position again and again, only then something can be right for you and you can avoid bedsores, you must have understood.

• If your upper body is strong, then try to get up from a wheelchair.

• Use pillows and mattresses that reduce the pressure on your body. And try to keep yourself in such a way that there is no more pressure on any one part of the body, then you must have understood.

• Apart from this, if you can do any motion method, then you must do the activity. This is very important for you and also works to protect you from bedsores which is a good thing.

 clobeta gm cream uses in candidiasis (Candida infection)

Candida infection is also called yeast infection. It is usually caused by a fungus. You should know about this. By the way, fungi live in large quantities inside our body. But sometimes it increases a lot. Because of which they attack our body. The number of fungus usually grows only in warm and moist areas. And let us tell you that Candida infection can spread to other parts of the body with the help of blood, which is quite fatal, you should be well aware of this and you can understand.

It is very important to get a blood test done to find out about Candida infection. The chances go up a lot. You should know about this.

If a candida infection can occur in the skin, mouth or vagina. Antifungal creams are available for this, with the help of which it can be treated. You should know about this and you can understand this thing very well, this will be right for you.

If we talk about the symptoms of candidiasis (Candida infection), there can be many symptoms, with the help of which you can identify it very easily, you should know about it very well and you can understand. That would be right for you.

Talking about the symptoms of Candida infection on the skin, there can be many symptoms, so let's know about its types.

• A red rash on the skin, the size of which keeps on increasing.

• Skin folds such as the genitals, buttocks, under the breasts and skin rashes

• Apart from this, it may appear like pimples. You should know about this.

• You see different types of symptoms inside the oral candida, let us also know about it, inside it, red and white colored sticky spots start forming from below on the tongue, palate and other parts of the mouth.

• It looks like milk and curd stains but they cannot be cleaned as easily as milk and curd stains can be cleaned.

• Because of this, the tongue can also become completely red. You should know about this and you can understand.

• In most cases of candida infection, there is no need for hospitalization. But if in people whose immunity has become very weak, it can cause a much more serious condition in them. You should know about this.

• In yeast infection, the doctor gives you some medicines and you should take those medicines only after consulting the doctor. This will be most right for you and you can understand this very well.

• If we talk about the cause of candidiasis (Candida infection), then there are many reasons for this, due to which this infection can happen. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.

Friends, this is a type of fungal infection and these are the fungi that live on your skin. If there is any kind of cut or scratch inside the skin, then after that it enters inside your skin and after that it can cause infection, you should be well aware of this and you should know about this Understand that this will be most right for you.

When conditions and temperatures are favorable for candidiasis, it becomes pathogenic or capable of causing disease. Hot and humid temperatures. Friends, once it enters inside your body, it causes infection in most of the cases where the skin is very moist, such as the inside of the thighs, thighs, etc. These fungi start growing.

If you take antibiotic medicine for a long time then it can cause harm because it sometimes kills good bacteria which can be harmful for you.

Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, increases the risk of infection. You should know about this and you can understand this thing very well, this will be right for you.

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can also be quite dangerous. If you drink alcohol in excess, then it can be a loss for you and you are at increased risk of Candida infection.

Apart from this, if you feel a lot of stress, then your risk of infection increases greatly. You should be well aware of this and you can understand. So feel less stress.

• baby

• People with disorders such as swelling and redness

• People who have weakened immunity

• Those who are overweight are at increased risk of infection.

• People with diabetes

• Patients with hypothyroidism

• Pregnant women, etc.

• Steroid creams are the main drugs that cause problems like candida infection. And even if you consume a contraceptive pill, then it can cause problems, you should know about it and you can understand.

clobeta gm cream uses in jock itch

Jock itch is a fungal infection that develops on the inside of your genitals. You should be aware of this. It is usually much more likely to develop inside covered areas where there is a lot of sweating. You should know about this. Jock itch is usually the most in people who sweat a lot or those people who are very overweight, their chances of getting it are very high, you should know about it.

By the way, this problem is not too much trouble. You just have to keep the genital area clean, apart from this anti fungal medicines come, with the help of them you can keep it clean, you should know about it and you can understand.

If we talk about the symptoms of jock itch, then there are many symptoms, with the help of which you can find out that you have got jock itch. Inside it it is in the shape of a moon. Apart from this, the jock itch that occurs can cause irritation and rash. And small pimples are born inside it.

If your skin is itching and is not getting better for a long time, then you should consult your doctor at once. And you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you and you can understand this very well.

If we talk about the cause of jock itch, there can be many reasons for this. It is spread due to fungus. It can also be spread by coming in contact with an infected person. Apart from this, itching can also be caused by using towels etc. of an infected person. You should know about this.

Jock itch is caused by the same fungus that causes athlete's foot.

• If you are a man, then you are more likely to get jock itch. You should know about this.

• Apart from this, if you wear tight underwear then you are more likely to get jock itch, you should be well aware of this.

• If you are overweight, then your chances of getting jock itch are very high.

• Apart from this, even if you have a lot of weight, then the chances of getting leech itching increases significantly.

• Apart from this, if your immunity has been greatly reduced, then your chances of getting leech itch are very high. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.

Talking about the measures to prevent jock itch, there are many measures that you can remedy, so let us know that we are going to tell you in detail about the remedies for jock itch.

• It is very important to clean your genitals properly. Clean your genitals thoroughly. After exercising your genitals should be thoroughly cleaned with a towel so that it dries out.

• Underwear should be worn dry. If you sweat profusely, you may need to change your underwear frequently. You should be well aware of this. And you can understand this very well.

• Heat should be avoided. If it is the summer season, then you should wear airy clothes so that the air keeps getting inside and you do not get any kind of sweat inside. And if you sweat, the sweat dries up easily.

• Apart from this, you should not wear tight clothes. Because wearing tight clothes causes peeling of the skin due to rubbing on the skin and due to this the chances of getting itchy lice become very high, you should know about it.

• Apart from this, you should not use anyone else's items. As you use other's towels and so on, then you have to avoid using all of them, you can understand this.

• If we talk about jock itch test, then when we go to the doctor about this problem, by the way, after seeing the doctor, it is known that you have a problem of jock itch, apart from this the doctor removes a small part of your skin. and then it is sent inside the lab. And after that it is known that you have a problem of jock itch.

If the scabies infection has not worsened, doctors prescribe anti-fungal medicines such as creams, lotions, sprays or powders to be applied on the rash. And if you have the problem of jock itch then you should go to your doctor at once. And you should use the medicines that are being given to you.

In this way you can understand that jock itch is not a fatal problem by the way. And if you get it treated on time, then this problem is easily cured. However, if you set aside time, it does not get cured quite easily. Therefore, if you are facing any kind of jock itch problem, then you should consult your doctor as soon as possible and you should follow the instructions given by your doctor. And you can understand this very well, this will be right for you.


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