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what is the opposite (antonyms) of like in English

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opposite words And antonyms words of Like in English


opposite word /antonyms word

Like in English

Dislike, unlike,

Like in urdu


Like in kannada


Like in marathi

नापसंत , नावड


1. Antonyms and meanings of like

Like means the thing which pleases your mind like you go to some place to buy shoes and there any pair of shoes you like best in your mind then it is your like. Similarly if you like a cloth, then it is also your like. Well, let us tell you that human like is never constant.

She is always changing. Like you went to a shop, there you saw a cloth which you liked but you went to another shop. If you saw any other cloth there, then you liked it more, then you liked it too. In this way, many levels of like exist within the same thing. Generally every human being has a desire to choose the object of higher level of like. And that's fine.


Well, the word like is very broad. All the things in the world, there are likes and dislikes in everything. From the smallest thing to the biggest thing, there are likes and dislikes.


2. Meaning and Meaning of Dislike

Friends dislike means the one who can't charm your mind, he doesn't like you. For example, if you go somewhere to see a girl and there you do not like that girl, then we will call her your dislike.


Like there are likes, there are also dislikes. But you may be surprised to know that dislikes of a person are always more than likes. The reason is that most of the things in the world are not liked. Likes are those which are attached to us and are also dear to us.


Well let me tell you that there are also levels of dislike. Like some things we dislike very much, some things dislike in general, then we are indifferent to some things, they are also disliked in a way Huh.


what is the opposite of bond

3. Likes and Dislike Story of Two Sisters

Friends, it is a matter of ancient times that there used to be two sisters inside a village. Their name was like and dislike. The behavior and appearance of both were opposite to each other. While the likes were of good appearance, the dislikes were bad and dark in colour. When both were able to get married, the father immediately started seeing the boys.


Many boys came to see both the sisters but no one liked the disliked sister. Whereas everyone liked the like. After that in the end a boy also liked his dislike. The father married both of them with pomp.


The in-laws of both the sisters were far away. The favorite sister was so good that she won everyone's heart as soon as she went to her in-laws' house and used to do all the work very well. Her husband also liked her very much. After some time the husband went abroad and also had a son of his like. He was also like her.


In this way, the like was living its life quite happily, but the husband of like had died inside the foreign country. After that, the bad days of like started. Although the family members did not allow Like to feel lack of anything, she used to miss her husband very much. In the memory of her husband, she went on drying up and finally took hold of the bed.


Once his sister disliked him came to meet him then said……. Today I have liked you and I am not liking you. What kind of game is this? A few years ago, when I got married, I disliked everyone according to my name, but now the time has changed. Not appreciating.


…….what to do, now my time has come. like crying


……….No now you have to live for your child.


…….no I can not live anymore. Yesterday my mother-in-law was saying that I am now a burden on everyone, so she wants to send me to her palace, while you know that there is no one inside the prison. Brother sister-in-law has no respect for us.


………Okay she is trying to keep herself alive. The cycle of time is such that it forces a lion to become a mouse. Till yesterday you were proud of your appearance, but today you do not know where that form has been lost. You must have realized this too.


I have come to know that nothing is permanent in this world. Everything keeps changing here. Earlier I used to think that all happiness will remain like this, but today I came to know that after happiness, misery is sure to come, that thing is different that if we live misery as happiness then we have learned to live.


And after that the likes gave up their lives there. What was everyone's like till yesterday, today no one cried on his death because now it had become not everyone's like. If you don't like it, you have to be ready to be liked.


In this article, we have learned in detail about likes and dislikes. Apart from this, likes and dislikes were also told in detail through a story about how likes and dislikes keep happening in life.


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