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what is the opposite (Antonyms) of independent

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Antonyms / opposite words of independent


opposite word /antonyms word

Independent in English

dependency, subordination, dependence, subjection.


1.Antonyms and meanings of independent 

Friends, independent means independent . Although no single definition of independent can be given but independent means independent from bondage. Now speaking of bondage, it can be of many types of bondage. So the definition of independent may be different for every human being. Just like independent for a yogi means independent from the shackles of the mind, so for a prisoner independent may mean being free from captivity. Thus independent means being free from bondage.


India's independence took place on 15 August 1947 and at that time India was ruled by the British. The British used to control the people here. Even though we are free today, evil people still have access to power. And evil rules over good.


2.Antonyms of independent

By the way, independent is not dear to anyone. Because inside independent we feel very good. We can live freely. You must have independent to live freely. A king does not have as much independent as his subjects. This is the reason why most people would like to live like a king. Because the joy in living like this is immense. No one wants to live like a prisoner.


You must have seen that the bird locked inside the cage is not as happy as it is flying in the sky because it can feel the independent in the sky.


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3. Meaning of Dependence

Friends, the opposite of independent is dependence. Subordination means being subject to bondage. Living within the bonds is dependence. Well it is a psychological term.


 Which means that if you feel your dependence then it will be dependency for you otherwise it has no meaning for you. Well you know that no human being wants to live under dependence. The reason is that there is suffering in dependence. Many people consider private job as a dependency because the rules are very strict inside it. But people in government jobs do not believe so.


In the same way, if someone is kept inside the prison, then it is submissiveness for him. He wants that he should be released from this prison as soon as possible so that he can breathe in the open air as soon as possible. And when any prisoner comes out of the jail then it is a very happy day for him. He feels that today he is free.


4. Importance of independent Story

It is a matter of ancient times. There lived a bird inside a village. He used to go inside the forest every day and put grains there, then spread the net and catch many birds from the forest. And kept it at his house and used to sell some in the market.


His work was very much done. And he could not earn much money from this work but could run his house easily. Once when he went inside the forest to catch a bird, he found a very beautiful


Bird showed up. He laid a net and caught that bird and brought it. The bird was very beautiful to see, so Bird Hunter thought that he would keep this bird inside the cage and would not sell it. And then the bird would take good care of that bird. Giving him the best food, but even after that the bird always looked sad to the bird. A few days passed like this. One day Bird Hunter got into a fight with another person, so the king's soldiers put him in jail because he had beaten that person.


Bird Hunter was given very good food and sleep inside the jail. One day he thought that it was all good but after two days he started feeling a lot of dependence. He felt that his independent had been taken away. But now Bird Hunter could not do anything. He sent a message to the king several times, but the king refused to leave him. After a few days, Bird Hunter had been in the same condition. He would get the best food but he also started feeling depressed. He had now realized that what is the value of independent ?


Now he understood everything. He remained inside the jail like this for some days. When the king felt that he had improved, then the king left him. The bird went straight to the bird whom he had come after after locking it in a cage. He saw that the bird was locked in the cage. His family is serving him. He opened the cage. And the bird flew into the sky.


Now Bird Hunter had understood the importance of independent . He had realized the cost of independent . He stopped his work of catching birds. Because he felt very bad inside it. Now he decided to take up farming.


This story teaches that when a person is imprisoned in jail, then the same person calls it injustice and when the same person keeps birds weaker than himself, then it is not injustice. In reality, injustice is done only when bad happens to a person. The rest of the living beings are scapegoats like this.

what is the opposite of independent, independent antonyms in english, independent opposite word in english, independent antonyms words, independent opposite word meaning, opposite of independent, what is the antonym of independent, antonym of independent in english, antonym of word independent, meaning of independent antonym.

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