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what is the opposite (Antonyms) of generous


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Antonyms / opposite words of generous


opposite word /antonyms word

Generous in English

conservative, illiberal, small


1.Antonyms and meanings of generous

The antonym of generous is generous. Another name for generous is kind. The one who is kind to others is called generous. Well often the one who is the right person will be generous. The one who is an animal in the guise of a human can never be generous.


Generosity is a great quality. Because even after being a human, if someone does not have generosity in him, then he is not a human. Generosity is the hallmark of humanity. If you are generous then you will shy away from killing any living being.


And even if you get murdered by your hands, you will still regret it, but because human beings also have some compulsions which have to be fulfilled. The most important thing about a great man is that he is always kind.


He is merciful. He is the one who helps the poor. So you can understand that generosity means one who is kind, like if someone comes under your shelter, then it is your duty to protect him. If you are able to protect him, then you must protect him. Only the voice of a generous person tells you how generous a person he is. Because even the speech of the one who is generous always shows generosity.


2. Meaning of conservative

The one who does not have generosity in him will be generous. He who does not have such qualities as kindness, is generous. Often there are a lot of people in this world being lenient. Often there are some people who kill animals by tormenting them. Because they enjoy it inside.


Generosity is very useless. When you do not have generosity, you become a terrible person and then you can be quite violent. It often comes in the news that someone has killed someone on a small matter. All this is born out of lenience. If you are not generous then you will not be able to think in favor of humanity and the result will be that you will become violent. This is a very dire situation. Religion is such a thing that teaches a person generosity, but generosity and goodness are hard to come by in people who are away from religion.


And you already know that the government does not teach religion inside India. But you have to take it yourself. Today you are seeing that even 90 years old people are not interested in religion. Just being interested in money shows that religion has weakened.


antonyms words of soft in English // opposite words of soft in English

3. The Benefit Story of Generosity

Ratnakar ruled the country by a king named Ranadev. Randev's generosity was famous far and wide. And it was said about him that he worships Lord Shiva after going to the temple in the morning and after that he gives what he asks for, but the wish should be auspicious?


When this thing reached the thief named Sonu and Monu while flying, they were very happy. And they found out more about Randev, then all the things turned out to be true. Then one day Sonu and Monu started thinking about it. And both decided to rob the king.


They took a bullock cart and rode on it, it was a journey of 2 days and both of them had planned very well. After traveling day and night for 2 days, he reached that state and then disguised himself as a monk and found that temple.


On which Raj Ranadev used to come daily to worship. In the morning, Sonu and Monu saw that many people were coming and queuing outside the temple. Both of them also stood inside the line. Then they were very happy to see the king's chariot coming.



The king stopped the chariot near the temple and himself went to worship inside the temple. After some time the king worshiped and then came out and distributed gold coins to all the poor. However, there was no one asking for it.


When Sonu's turn came, the king gave Sonu a gold coin.


……Maharaj one coin will do nothing, give me more.


………the king gave him more coins.


……Maharaj I want a lot of money.


………..but you are a saint why do you need money?


……Maharaj for a temple


And the king gave him more gold coins. But Sonu was not satisfied, then in the end the king said that…….you can build a temple in so many gold coins but still if you want more gold coins then come with me. Sonu agreed to go with the king. When Monu's turn came, he did the same thing and Sonu and Monu went with the king. The king took them inside the mountains and took them to a cave there and took them……..There are thousands of tons of gold in this cave. You can take out as much as you want but if you are doing it because of wrong intention then you will not be able to do it. And after that the king left.


On the other hand Sonu and Monu happily went inside the cave and after going some distance they found gold reserves, they were very happy and both of them filled a sack of gold and as soon as they started walking outside they saw many venomous snakes which were money. Then both of them were very scared and ran away with the gold but then Sonu was bitten by a snake and he died there, so Monu got very scared and left all the gold there and came out of the cave and secretly has left .


Now Monu had come to know that the greedy people who take illegitimate advantage of someone's generosity drown their greedy self. The more money is needed, the more money is enough.

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