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what is the antonyms (opposite) of Suitable

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opposite words And antonyms words of Suitable in English


opposite word /antonyms word

Suitable in English

unsuitable , unsuitable, inappropriate, imsuitable, undue, unjust.

Suitable in urdu


Suitable in kannada



1. Antonyms and meanings of suitable

Suitable means what is right for you. Most of the things you do are right. But it is very difficult to determine exactly what is appropriate. Or whatever the religion says, some people also consider it appropriate. But what is right? It is a very difficult task to find out about it. Similarly, the same thing may be appropriate for some place and may be inappropriate at some place.


As in China, the person who steals is shot, that is according to the government. At the same time, inside India, the police respect the thief by making him sit in jail. Because it is unsuitable to shoot a thief here. If you do this, then the media will come on the road and start crying that Hi Ram was a thief. Only a few lakhs were stolen. This government alone is of no use.


If we define suitable in the context of a person, it means that whatever you think is right is right. What is right for others is right for him. But it is not necessary that what others feel is appropriate for you, it may also be inappropriate for you.


2. Meaning of unsuitable

Inappropriate means that which you do not think is inappropriate. In the true sense, what you feel is unsuitable, you follow it very rarely or under compulsion. This is what the simple principle says.


But the problem is that many people are not ready to accept it. They do bad things but in reality it is only suitable to them. Many people drink alcohol today, it is only appropriate for them. The day it becomes inappropriate for them they will stop drinking it. In this way, a good person is one who sees the right of others in his own right. If you walk with your right, then you will never be able to become good in the eyes of others.


what is the opposite (antonyms) of like in English

3. Knowledge of Suitable and UnSuitable Story

It is a thing of ancient times. The wind of modern times was blowing inside a village. What is happening today started happening long back. At that time Gurukul used to run and the Guru used to teach his disciples there. And the Guru used to teach Dharma to his disciples. Due to which the disciples also had the knowledge of right and wrong, but with time everything started disappearing. who had previously been his classmate.


One of them was named Ramesh who had studied with the Guru while the other was Kumawat who called himself a modern. These were close childhood friends. When the two met, they inquired about their well-being, then Kumawat, while brushing English, said that I know the best language of the world.


——— But I don't need the best language in the world. I love my own language.


When some came forward, there he found an old lady groaning in pain and said…….. I have got a wound on my leg. Drop me to your home


Why does Ramesh fall in laughter? We do not even know what we mean by this woman?


——– No it is inappropriate to leave a woman alone like this. And Ramesh picked up the woman on his shoulders and dropped her some far away at home.


They both walked a short distance when they saw a cow which was trapped inside a barbed fence.


—– Hey look, the Kumawat cow is suffering with pain, they come out of it.


…….No we are getting late and Kumawat started walking very fast. After that Ramesh went to the cow and somehow got it out of the barbed fence. After that said……..You may have learned two and a half letters of foreign language. But even today there is no humanity in you. Can't say. He becomes more dangerous than a human.


Today many people take a big degree in the pursuit of becoming a modern, but even after that they do not have the culture that what is right and what is wrong for them?


Children born in this way within the society will also be of ill mentality. And what they will give to the society, the same theft, rape and dacoity. If modern education is there, then who are the people living in your neighbourhood? You are not even aware of this because there is unbelief in you. And where does this disbelief come from? Because of wrong policies and some because of selfish people.


And after that Ramesh left. In true sense, modern education destroyed our culture, then after that our society declined and today it has become a condition that we too have become foreigners. The wife who supports 7 births changes as the night comes. Now if the society does not survive, it will be difficult for the country to survive.


What is the antonym of choice? What is the opposite word of choice?

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