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opposite [Antonym ] of demon in English


demon opposite word in english, demon opposite gender, demon ka opposite meaning, opposite of demon in english, opposite name of demon, demon antonyms in english, demon antonyms meaning, antonyms of demon, antonyms of word demon.

opposite of demon in English and demon Antonym word


opposite word /antonyms word

demon in English


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demon in urdu



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demon in tamil




demon in Marathi




1.Antonyms and meanings of Demon

You are very well acquainted with the word demon. Demon means one who has demonic qualities. Like killing someone, biting someone or raping someone, all these demons come under quality. Even though there are no two horned demons today, but the demons are roaming in the guise of humans and these demons are more dangerous than the real demons because they appear completely human from outside but there are complete demons inside. And now the good people on earth are becoming less and more demons. What you are seeing on the earth is due to demons. not because of the gods

There used to be fierce demons inside the ancient times. Prajapati Kashyap also married the two daughters of Vaishvanar, Puloma and Kalka, on the orders of Brahmaji. Sixty thousand Ranvir demons were born from him.


Apart from all this, if you read the ancient texts, you will find mention of many demons. Like Ravana was also a demon who was killed by Rama. Similarly, Kansa was also a demon. Whom Krishna had killed. Similarly demons like Bhasmasura were also born. Apart from all this, there are so many names who have been very fierce demons.









Above we have given the names of some Asuras who were demons. In fact, demon means one whose nature is destructive. Those who believe in destroying things are known as demons.


2. Meaning and Meaning of god

 god means one who is there to protect life. Those who believe in the creative nature are deities. You worship the gods. Actually the gods are there only for the welfare of life. They try to make your life better.


When we worship the deities, we also get its fruits. Just as one attains more wealth by worshiping the deity, then one removes his sorrows by worshiping the deities. In this way the deities are very helpful in all kinds of troubles.


You have seen in many stories and stories about the war of gods and demons. Actually it is not limited to just the story. Even inside the real, there are things inside the subtle world that we cannot see with our physical eyes. There are many types of deities inside the gods too. Such as Shiva, Shakti, Vishnu, Surya), Trimurti, Rama, Krishna , Kartikeya, Hanuman, Indra, Vayu, Varuna, Agni, Rudra, Dattatreya, others


Devi, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Sati, Parvati, Durga, Shakti, Kali, Sita, Radha, Mahavidya, Navadurga, Matruka, etc. are the names of other deities. There are 33 categories of deities.


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3. Story of Bhasmasura Slaughter

In ancient times there used to be a Bhasmasura demon. According to this story, once Bhasmasura started doing severe penance to get a boon from Shiva. And Shiva was very pleased with his tenacity, he was shaken up to the throne and he appeared in front of Bhasmasura and said……




But Shiva did not grant this boon because it is against the law of nature.


After that Bhasmasura asked Shiva for another boon and said that ……… After that Bhasmasura chose Shiva first to test his boon but how could Shiva break his promise. So he remembered Lord Vishnu inside this mushbit and after that Lord Vishnu disguised as a beautiful woman appeared in front of Bhasmasura. Bhasmasura had never seen such a beautiful woman, so he lost his sense of humor and forgot what he was doing. Bhasmasura asked……… what is your name?


……..my name is mohini.


……..will you marry me?


——– I am a dancer and marry the one who is a dancer. If you are ready to be a dancer I can marry you.


And Bhasmasura had never danced but even after that he accepted to become a dancer to marry Mohini. He prepared Mohini that if she saw him learn to dance, he was ready to learn. And after that Mohini made Bhasmasura learn some dance steps there. And after that Bhasmasura forgot what a boon he had. As soon as Mohini put his hand on his head Bhasmasura did the same and because of that boon, he was consumed there.


In this way the demon Bhasmasura came to an end. In this way, many types of demons are described in ancient texts. And the description of their killing is also available. This story wants to indicate that no matter how strong the evil is, one day it will come to an end.


In this way, in this article, we go into detail about gods and demons, hope that you would have liked this article. If you have any idea regarding this then you can tell us through comment below.


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