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Meaning of lizard bite in dream


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Do you know what happens if a lizard bites in a dream? When I suddenly woke up, I got very nervous and said loudly that I was bitten by a lizard. Hearing this, my wife's eyes also opened and where has the lizard bitten that quote? I lit the light and looked at the hand but I didn't see anything like it. After that I thought it was a dream. And my wife also said that it was a dream, just nothing. It was 4 o'clock in the morning. After that the mobile was lying nearby. I picked up my mobile and searched inside Google. What happens if a lizard bites in a dream



1. What happens if a lizard bites in a dream

Friends, by the way, lizards have different meanings. Like seeing many lizards in a dream has a different meaning, then beating a lizard has a different meaning.


2. What happens if a lizard bites in a dream

First of all let us tell you that the bite of a lizard is inauspicious. It tells about the troubles you are facing inside your house. If you or a member of your household has dreamed of biting a lizard, then you have to destroy the effect of that dream. First of all let us know that what happens if you bite a lizard in a dream? And what could be the bad effect.


3. Can get into serious financial problems

Friends, if you have dreamed of biting a lizard, then it is indicating to you that you may get into serious financial problems in future. Some people think that they have a lot of money, how can they get into financial problems?


There is a boy named Suresh. Whose father-in-law is a manager inside the bank and had a lot of money with him for a long time. And one day he had a dream that some lizard had bitten him. However, being educated, he did not believe in dreams.


After that some time passed and inside the bank he accidentally gave too much amount to some person and when the amount inside the bank turned out to be very less, the ground slipped under his feet. This was a big blow for him. After that he borrowed money from rich people to replenish the bank's money. Now he has retired from his work. But till date he is in debt.


Friends, we do not say that if every person dreams of biting a lizard, then he will drown in debt, but there is such a possibility. Which cannot be considered as 100% true.


Similarly, a user commented below a youtube video and wrote that he had a dream of biting a lizard but nothing bad happened to him. A month has passed since the dream came. Responding to his comment, another user wrote that the fruit of that dream may have been destroyed due to some reason.


By the way, if you pay a little attention, then even after having such a dream, there is no danger to your financial situation. Friends, it usually happens that sometimes the circumstances are not favorable. Not one, not two, but sometimes situations come like this. And if you are of a smart nature then you can avoid any loss. When Nandram came out of the house, the cat cut the road. Usually the effect of this omen was also bad and he was going to withdraw money from the bank.


He went inside the bank and from there he also took out about 25 thousand rupees and when he was coming back, seeing his bag, some robbers followed him. They came from behind him on the bike and pounced on the bag but they could not manage to release the back. And while running forward, Nandram could not catch him but he hit him with a big stone which the robbers sitting on the back of the bike. Blood started oozing in his head but he managed to escape.


So the meaning of saying friends is that if we use a little understanding, then we can change the fruit of this dream.


4. Lizard bite in dream is a sign of children getting sick

Friends, in some places it is told that children can fall ill by biting a lizard in a dream. If you have children inside your house and you see such a dream. Then you need to be careful. This dream warns the parents that they should take good care of their children. And after having such a dream, it should be kept better. Although it is not known whether it is a sign of a serious disease or a common disease.


Still, if you have doubts, you can get your child's full body checkup done. It's not a bad thing to do in a way. And in this you also get a lot of information.


5. Lizard bites it means

Friends, some dreams come again and again. For example, commenting below a video, a user wrote that he has had a dream of biting a lizard twice. Whereas it means that he is about to get stuck in a serious financial situation. When he doesn't even work. He is a student. Friends, if this happens to you as well, then it can also mean that when your elders get stuck inside a serious financial situation and its effect will be on you too. you once your family ‌‌‌Review your income source and see if you have any concerns, you can talk to your family about it.


A female user wrote that she dreamed that she was pregnant and one of her sons caught a lizard and then threw it on me and after that the lizard bit me. Friends, if you also have such a dream, then it means that your children may fall ill.


Friends, there is no information about what is said to be the fruit of dreams or what was the fruit of those who dream. Like if someone dreamed of biting a lizard and got the fruit of that dream or not? There is no information about this.


If you have dreamed of biting a lizard and experienced its fruit, please let us know by commenting below so that people can help. What happens if a lizard bites in a dream, how did you like the article, tell me by commenting below.

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